Our brand originally started in 2010 in Mérida, Venezuela as part of a children’s Collection in a local Christmas Market in support of a friend. It is fair to say what happened later was magic… 😍.
It all started with a curiosity and a borrowed old singer machine. The first bag took months of drawings and modifying design until one day it came to it… Cutting my old jeans to make it because I had no money to buy fabric at the time and to be honest, for a first try it wasn’t that bad.
While working as a part timer in a binding Store I discovered a different world and the possibilities with paper and leather so I kept learning and pushing boundaries until I had my fist perfect bag; perfect hidden stitches, hand paint top… And that’s when Creyones was truly born, having its first BACKPACK collection, different NOTEBOOK sizes, and PERSONALIZED Items for everyone.
Creyones was a Kid growing too fast and it was us who needed to keep up, but unfortunately the political situation forced us to leave our country, our home and growing business. Leaving everything behind was difficult and heart breaking, but Creyones cannot die. So in my only travel suitcase I packed my heavy singer machine, some materials, and barely some cloths for myself. It was a cold winter, but I can say it was worth it.
Now Creyones has reborn in another Country / Continent and more experienced than ever with access to better materials from local providers, as CREYONES well knew how important this local support is. So with a fresh start, passion to drive new designing and creating original products here we are. Now a brand of 2 dreamers, sharing our ideas and getting inspired by you, let’s be the Crazy Ones getting out of everyday greyness with CREYONES EUROPE.